10 Home Remedies to Cure Hemorrhoids Effectively
The human body cannot bear the onslaught of all types of diseases or ailments on its own. It needs help, which is available to it in the form of medications. These medications work wonders on the human body, and within a few weeks, it would be as good as new. When you are ailing, the pain inflicted by the ailment is what causes the misery that one would have to undergo. Now, imagine the plight of people who have to suffer pain while performing normal bodily functions, such as having a bowel movement. This unbearable and excruciating pain which people experience while having a bowel movement, or just while sitting, is caused due to hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that are present in the lowest part of the rectum and anus. The level of pain and irritation that is experienced under such circumstances can be excruciating. However, though hemorrhoids might be a living nightmare, it can be cured with some effective remedies. When people think about “how to cure hemorrhoids?”, you might have a vision of painful procedures.
However, hemorrhoids can be cured with the help of medicines and also with some tried and tested techniques that would answer your queries on how to cure hemorrhoids.
Here are the 10 most-effective home remedies that can help cure hemorrhoids, and the process won’t be nightmarish.
Witch hazel
Hemorrhoids are painful, and they cause a lot of irritation when a person has a bowel movement or is simply sitting. Witch Hazel is known to act as the perfect remedy to cure hemorrhoids. Since it is in the liquid form, it can be directly applied to the affected area. In no time, the person would experience the pain subsiding. Apply witch hazel before performing the daily bathroom rituals in the morning. This will help to cure hemorrhoids.
Sitz bath
For a sitz bath, one has to immerse the lower body in warm water and soak it for around 15 to 20 minutes. If Epsom salt is added to the bath, the sitz bath would be more productive. The warm water coupled with Epsom salt would soften and help to cure hemorrhoids and reduce the swelling. This would enable easy passing of motion without experience the usual excruciating pain.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice works wonders for internal hemorrhoids. One glass of lemon juice, mixed with mint and ginger juice, with a hint of honey in it, can help reduce the internal hemorrhoids considerably. This is a safe remedy and can work for curing both, internal and external hemorrhoids effectively.
Probiotics include good bacteria which aids in improving gut health. These good bacteria play a major role in regulating the digestion process and keep the stomach healthy. Probiotics are known to regulate the bowel movement; thus, the person wouldn’t have to experience the excruciating pain that accompanies the hemorrhoids. So, include natural probiotics in the diet and be relieved off the pain.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is known for its medicinal properties. Be it your skin problem, or stomach-related issue, apple cider vinegar acts as a cure for almost everything. One can soak one cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and rub it on the affected area. The inflammation would subside, and so would the pain. Also, a spoon of apple cider vinegar a day would keep the doctor away.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is one of the most effective home remedies that can put your query on “how to cure hemorrhoids?” to rest. Extract the gel from the plant and apply it to the affected area. The cooling properties would reduce the inflammation dramatically. Repeat the procedure for a week, and the results would be quite evident.
Butcher’s broom
Butcher’s broom is the magic home remedy that can cure varicose veins, poor circulation, inflamed tissues, and constricted veins. Add one teaspoon of the herb to boiling water. Apply this concoction to the affected area, and rinse it. The swelling would subside and you can heave a sigh of relief.
Stool softeners
The majority of misery caused by hemorrhoids is experienced when the person has a bowel movement. Therefore, one can opt for stool softeners in such cases. It would allow easy motion and you wouldn’t be afflicted with the pain usually caused by hemorrhoids under such circumstances.
Cold compress
Hemorrhoids, in addition to being painful, also cause a burning sensation. And, this sensation is heightened when the motion is passed. A cold compress can help in reducing the swelling around the affected area, and this, in turn, can provide immediate relief from the constant inflammation.
Take 4 to 5 cloves of garlic and boil it in water for 10 minutes. Steep it for another 10 minutes. One can use this water for rinsing the anal region. Though it might sting in the beginning, the swelling would subside in no time.
So, try either of these home remedies to cure hemorrhoids and maintain a healthy diet to prevent its recurrence.