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Shampoos To Treat Seborrheic Dermatitis

Shampoos To Treat Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic and inflammatory skin condition that affects the head and the torso. The affected areas are those with a greater number of oil-producing glands. Dandruff is a milder form of seborrheic dermatitis. A full-blown case of seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by a red and itchy rash on the scalp along with flaky scales.
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7 Methods for Treating Chronic Bronchitis

7 Methods for Treating Chronic Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a condition where the tubes and airways in your lungs become inflated. A thick mucus forms in these airways which obstruct the flow of air. This leads to a sensation of a heavy chest and makes it difficult for you to breathe. Any condition that prevails for a long time can be termed as chronic.
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All You Should Know about Eczematous Dermatitis

All You Should Know about Eczematous Dermatitis

A common condition of the skin leading to inflammation is known as eczematous dermatitis, popularly known as eczema or even dermatitis. The two classifications eczematous dermatitis are acute eczema (or dermatitis) were fast growing red rashes get swollen and blistered. The second type is chronic and involves old irritable rashes that have turned darker and thicker and the ones that you probably have scratched as well.
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Heartburn Chest Pain- All You Need to Know

Heartburn Chest Pain- All You Need to Know

We go on with our daily activities, job life, experience enjoyment , recreation ,  dreams , and hope for the future , all because of one thing which never stops. Since the time of birth, this organ has consistently been there beating nonstop, making us feel our existence every day and every moment.
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7 Useful Remedies for Foot Nerve Pain

7 Useful Remedies for Foot Nerve Pain

Most diabetic people can easily associate with a foot nerve pain. This can be characterized by symptoms like prickling, stabbing, tingling, or burning in the foot. However, not just among diabetics, this foot nerve pain is a problem that is faced by a lot of people due to different causes.
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Know about the Best Remedies for Treating Gout Pain

Know about the Best Remedies for Treating Gout Pain

Have you ever felt a sharp and unbearable pain in your foot? Well, you might be experiencing a gout attack! Gout is a type of a joint inflammation. It can cause an attack of sudden consuming agony, solidness, and swelling in a joint, normally a major toe. These painful periods can occur again and again unless dealt with properly.
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