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Essentials to understand about checking accounts

Essentials to understand about checking accounts

A checking account, also known as a transactional account, is one that can be easily opened and allows easy access to money. This type of account is essentially used to make quick bill payments and make the most out of financial transactions. The money from checking accounts can be accessed through the setup of an automatic account, by writing a check, or by using a debit card.
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Here’s how to build your credit and improve your score

Here’s how to build your credit and improve your score

Banks and financial institutions provide their customers with a direct line of credit to pay for goods and services. It can be a credit card or a loan which is taken to fulfill your personal and business needs. The line of credit is determined by a numerical representation of all relevant information to collectively determine your credibility.
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Understanding Gold As An Investment

Understanding Gold As An Investment

There are no second thoughts about the value of gold. Today, many routes are available for investing in gold. Investors can choose to invest in gold ETFs (Exchange-traded Funds), buy gold coins from authorized dealers, or invest in gold stocks. Gold as an asset is valuable because it spreads beyond boundaries.
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Ways To Determine A Company’s Profit Margin

Ways To Determine A Company’s Profit Margin

A company has the responsibility towards its shareholders. It has to report everything fair and true to its stakeholders. It is, therefore, necessary to analyze the company’s financial health from its balance sheet. When making a portfolio, analysts first understand the profit margin of a company, before they add that company to their portfolio.
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Top 4 Liquid Assets To Invest In

Top 4 Liquid Assets To Invest In

Liquid assets are possessions that can be instantly converted or ‘liquified’ into cash, whenever required. In a sale, there is little or no effect on the value of such assets, unlike non-liquid assets. Liquid assets are used as securities. They do not have a lock-in period, so you can access them at any point in time.
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7 Ways To Save Yourself From Bank Bullying

7 Ways To Save Yourself From Bank Bullying

Banks were made for our convenience but capitalism has managed to make this social institution a money making business. You have to pay for each and every service which you may or may not have asked for. This entire scenario is quite paradoxical and difficult to explain to anyone who does not belong to our society.
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