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Top funds for retirement planning that you should know

Top funds for retirement planning that you should know

One of the best investment moves you can make is to open a Roth IRA account when you are planning your retirement. It is a legal tax shelter and you will contribute money that has already been taxed. Hence, you will not be taxed again when you withdraw the amount.
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Understanding dividend stocks

Understanding dividend stocks

Like in most things we handle every day, there are many varieties in investments too, both investment types and investment styles. Some of these are exchange traded funds, mutual funds, stocks and bonds, real estate, and much more. What are stocks? Stocks are an equity investment, that is, money invested in a company in the form of shares.
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Knowing more about high-yielding dividend stocks

Knowing more about high-yielding dividend stocks

Investing in high-yielding dividend stocks of Microsoft, ExxonMobil, AT&T, Verizon, Apple, Texas Instruments or Shell Oil, is a safe bet as these are less risky. If you are looking to sell your low yield stocks and investing purely in the ones that provide increased dividends regularly then there are a number of industry sectors you can look into.
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Safe retirement investments only for you

Safe retirement investments only for you

Are you on the verge of retiring? Then you must start thinking about your post-retirement investments. You must look for safe investments that will give you a good annual return. It is not possible nowadays to get 5% to 7% ROI. But there are many safe places to invest. To find out safe places you need to know the type of investments that provide the protection of principals- FDIC insured money market accounts, savings accounts, and short term CDs.
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Retirement savings account that you may need

Retirement savings account that you may need

We are all well aware of the fact that we should save more for our post retirement life. We should never take the risk of not investing at the right time and leading a post-retirement life of debts. Hence, you should plan at the earliest. One should look for where to have a safe savings account, which retirement plans are high-yielding, etc.
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What is IRA?

What is IRA?

IRA, Individual retirement account, gives you the opportunity to plan your retirement savings combined with quite a few tax benefits. There are two different types of Individual retirement accounts on the basis of the tax deductions for contributions. While tax is calculated for the funds that move to the Roth IRA account, there won’t be any tax deduction at the time of withdrawal.
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