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All about cholesterol: types and treatments

All about cholesterol: types and treatments

Cholesterol is a chemical compound found in the bloodstreams of the human body. It is a waxy, fat-like substance that’s found in all cells of the body and is mostly composed of lipids and fats. The human body needs some cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help digest food.
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High Cholesterol: Causes and prevention

High Cholesterol: Causes and prevention

Cholesterol can be your friend and enemy at the same time. A definite amount of cholesterol is a necessity for proper bodily functions, whereas an excess of it may cause a lot of trouble, sometimes as bad as a heart attack. Cholesterol is a very common ingredient of the human body and can be found in each and every cell.
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Top five signs of schizophrenia

Top five signs of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is one of the most disturbing chronic mental disorders. Neither the exact cause of the disease is known nor is there a cure. However, if a diagnosis is made at the very beginning and a holistic treatment is instituted immediately, the individual can lead an active, productive and socially acceptable life.
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A brief overview of schizophrenia

A brief overview of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental sickness which if treated properly would allow a person to live an active, productive, and by and large a socially acceptable life. As is understood in public, schizophrenia is neither a split personality disorder nor is it a multiple personality disorder and a vast majority of the patients are nonviolent.
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Common causes and types of schizophrenia

Common causes and types of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is the most disturbing of all chronic mental disorders. To compound matters, it has no cure either. However, if detected earlier on and treated properly, one can live an active, productive life and can also be fairly well adjusted to social needs. Properly treated means not only medication but a therapy which is lifelong.
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5 common signs of schizophrenia

5 common signs of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder. It causes periodic, unpredictable flare ups. The exact causes for this disease is not known and there is no known cure for it either. The family, if it decides to look after the patient, has to make some really strong long-term commitment and willingness to sacrifice and bear a lot of inconveniences too.
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