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5 home remedies to decrease protein in your urine

5 home remedies to decrease protein in your urine

Proteinuria or protein in urine is an indicator of bad kidney health. Most people who suffer from kidney diseases are likely to be affected by this condition. Normally, protein is present and circulates in the bloodstream of the body. However, when the kidneys are unhealthy and its filters do not carry out their function efficiently, the proteins pass through the filters and enter into the urine.
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Proteinuria – The process of protein in urine test

Proteinuria – The process of protein in urine test

Protein is present in the bloodstream of every individual. This protein is necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. It promotes the growth and aids in the building of muscles and bones while carrying out other important functions such as controlling the excess formation of fluid in the body.
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15 health benefits of potassium rich foods

15 health benefits of potassium rich foods

Potassium plays a crucial role in hydrating the body. Together with sodium, it helps in performing proper cellular functions. Deficiency of potassium can lead to several health issues including headaches, palpitations, swelling of glands and tissues. The recommended dietary intake of potassium in both male and female is over 4000 mg.
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15 most popular potassium rich foods

15 most popular potassium rich foods

Potassium is the third most abundant mineral found in the body. It acts as an electrolyte for the body and is required to keep heart, brain, kidneys and other organs and other muscle tissues of the human body in good condition. Here are 15 rich potassium rich foods that you should include in your daily diet.
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How to check your health using a stool color chart

How to check your health using a stool color chart

You might be surprised by this, but your stool says a lot about your health, diet, and what illness you might have. The color, texture, quantity and the consistency of your stool changes as per your dietary intake, and when you suffer from any health issues. Your stool acts as an indicator which helps you know about your health and the preventive measures you can take to escape from falling a victim of any diseases.
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TMJ – Causes, symptoms, and treatments

TMJ – Causes, symptoms, and treatments

Temporomandibular is a hinge connecting your jaw to the temporal bones of the skull present in front of each ear. It helps in moving your jaw, and enabling you to talk, chew or yawn. Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is the problem with the jaw and the muscles of the face that control it.
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