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Causes and clinical symptoms of herpes

Causes and clinical symptoms of herpes

Herpes can attack everyone including children. If people catch Herpes at a young age, they will have to carry the virus for the rest of their lives, unless treated properly. There is a higher risk of a healthy person catching Herpes if he/she is associated with an infected person who is experiencing outbreaks.
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Risks and preventive measures associated with herpes

Risks and preventive measures associated with herpes

Risk factors to be concerned about If you are suffering from Herpes and any other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), you have a probability of having a weakened immune system. This means you are prone to have more and severe outbreaks of Genital Herpes as well as Mouth or Oral Herpes.
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Things to know about pulmonary fibrosis

Things to know about pulmonary fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis is an interstitial lung disease that causes lung scarring which affects a person’s ability to breathe. The tissue deep in the lungs becomes thick, stiff, and scarred which causes breathing problems. There is no known cause of pulmonary fibrosis which is why such cases are called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
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Top-rated probiotic products made at home

Top-rated probiotic products made at home

Bacteria are of two types: good and bad. Your body needs good bacteria so that all your bodily functions work well. Generally, your gut or intestinal tract will host a lot of these bacteria. These bacteria help in absorption of nutrients from food and get rid of unhealthy elements from your digestive system.
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Chronic Bronchitis – Causes, symptoms and remedies

Chronic Bronchitis – Causes, symptoms and remedies

Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchial tubes (airways) in the lungs. This condition causes excessive mucus to be secreted into the tubes and narrowing or closing the bronchial tubes. People suffering from bronchitis may experience wheezing, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Persistent cough with thick, discolored mucus is the most common symptom.
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Here’s how you can keep a tab on your physical fitness

Here’s how you can keep a tab on your physical fitness

BMI or body mass index, is the measure of body fat with respect to your height and weight. It is important to get your BMI checked, as it is responsible for your physical fitness. It is applicable for everyone over the age of 20. BMI was derived from a mathematical formula.
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