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Home remedies for vaginal dryness

Home remedies for vaginal dryness

Menopause is natural course the female body takes as women get older. While there are medications to remedy this, going natural is something that some might prefer. Adding certain foods to your everyday diet has been known relive this issue but the results vary from person to person. It is necessary to consult with one’s doctor first before incluidng any kinds of food to your diet.
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Cancer symptoms and treatment options

Cancer symptoms and treatment options

‘Cancer’ is one word that evokes fear in anyone’s heart because it is one of the biggest killers in terms of the various diseases that hit people the world over. As per various studies conducted by medical bodies like the WHO, cancer is one of the most common fatal diseases around the world.
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Treating arthritis: A brief overview

Treating arthritis: A brief overview

One can never predict when a condition like arthritis may develop. Arthritis leaves the joints weak and swollen, and one can lose the ability to move or perform even the simplest of daily chores. While there is no cure for the condition, there are several effective treatment options for it, which can help one manage the symptoms.
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Easy home remedies for heartburn

Easy home remedies for heartburn

Heartburn is caused by acid reflux in the body. When acid produced by the stomach during digestions moves back to the food pipe, acid reflux occurs. The triggers of heartburn differ for different people. However, there are certain common causes that might lead to acid reflux causing heartburn. For instance, you have a meal that high on fats and unhealthy oil, you may experience heartburn.
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Effective lifestyle habits to ease heartburn

Effective lifestyle habits to ease heartburn

Had a lot of greasy food last night? You must woken up with a burning sensation in your esophagus and discomfort in your chest and stomach. Acid reflux is an aberration of our digestive system. When we consume food, it generally goes down our food pipe (esophagus) to our stomach, where the food is broken down and digested.
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Ideal food items that help control diabetes

Ideal food items that help control diabetes

When people have diabetes, they must give attention to their food habits. It does not mean leaving out all the delicious food in the world. It means having a balanced diet that will provide you exactly with the amount of nutrition that you need. People with diabetes need to be more careful about their diet because a slight deviation may increase the chances of heart disease.
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