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Stomach Cancer, symptoms you should be aware of

Stomach Cancer, symptoms you should be aware of

Cancer that develops in the inner lining of the stomach is known as stomach cancer. This type of cancer is also known as gastric cancer and has a very slow growth rate. If its symptoms are identified in the early stages, there is a higher chance of successfully treating the condition.
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Signs and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Signs and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

While there are many kinds of cancers that both men and women may suffer from, there are certain forms of this disease that may specifically affect the reproductive organs of either the male or the female patient. Ovarian cancer is one such kind of cancer that only women suffer from and it refers to the cancer that spreads through the ovaries of the patient.
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Stage four melanoma, symptoms and treatment

Stage four melanoma, symptoms and treatment

The most dangerous kind of skin cancer is known as melanoma. This type of cancerous growth develops as a result of mutations triggered by UV radiation etc. In many cases, these tumors looks like black or brown moles. Melanoma can be treated successfully if it is detected in time. Stage four melanoma is the most advanced stage of this type of cancer.
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Symptoms of leukemia

Symptoms of leukemia

Leukemia is a type of cancer that begins in the blooding-forming tissues of the body such as the bone marrow. The cancer causes white blood cells to grow abnormally. The exact cause of leukemia is not known. Some risk factors include genetics, exposure to certain chemicals and radiation or bone marrow disorders.
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Soft tissue sarcoma, things to know

Soft tissue sarcoma, things to know

Soft tissue sarcoma is rare cancer type that starts in the soft tissues of the body. Soft tissues are tissues that support or connect other organs or body parts. These are muscles, nerves, fat, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, deep skin tissues, and synovial tissues (joint lining). Most often, soft tissue sarcomas develop in the limbs.
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Soft tissue sarcoma – A guide to important information

Soft tissue sarcoma – A guide to important information

Cancer is one of the most dreaded terms that we all hear from time to time. There are many stories of tragedy that are associated with this word, and many stories of overcoming adversary which can be associated. Soft tissue sarcoma is a form of cancer that affects the soft tissues that exist in your body.
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