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Tips to Control Diabetes with Apple Cider Vinegar

Tips to Control Diabetes with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has a plethora of health benefits. Recent studies have pointed out that this ingredient can be especially beneficial for diabetic patients and help in the effective management of type 2 diabetes. Apple cider vinegar is a form of vinegar made from freshly pressed apple juice. The process takes several weeks in which the sugars break down, resulting in the formation of ACV.
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Treatment options for advanced lung cancer

Treatment options for advanced lung cancer

Lung cancer forms tumors in the body that affect the lungs and cause blockages. 3 signs of lung cancer include wheezing, shortness of breath, and blood in the mucus. Although surgery and advanced chemotherapy help to remove and kill these cancerous tumors, there are rapid research and development in treating lung cancer.
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Treatment for pain in the upper back and neck

Treatment for pain in the upper back and neck

Back pain can be debilitating especially when it affects the upper back and neck area. Common causes for upper back and neck pain include maintaining poor posture when standing, sitting and moving about. Hence people who spend most of their day in front of a computer often complain of upper back pain.
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Treatment options for lupus

Treatment options for lupus

Lupus is of many types depending on its nature and the organs it affects. The disease commonly called Lupus is the most virulent form attacking almost all organs. Its medical name is Systemic Lupus erythematosus SLE. Another variety is called discoid lupus which confines it action to the skin only.
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Top tips to lower A1C levels fast and effectively

Top tips to lower A1C levels fast and effectively

Blood sugar testing at home is a useful and important tool for assessing the progress of lowering the blood sugar levels, on a day to day basis. But the problem is that these tests can only offer a snapshot of the present condition without any long-term information. That is the reason why your doctor might ask you to undergo the A1C test once in two to three months.
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Treatment options for hypertension

Treatment options for hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is essentially the rise in the blood pressure levels, which is higher than 140 over 90 mmHg. While some of the common causes of hypertension include unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical fitness or activity, intake of alcohol, tobacco use, high intake of salt in daily meals, to name a few, there are some other reasons too associated with hypertension.
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