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Understanding groin pain and its symptoms

Understanding groin pain and its symptoms

The muscular system is one of the most important systems in the human body with over 700 known types making up at least half the body weight of an average person. Muscles assist in your movements which is made up of muscle tissue, tendons, nerves and blood vessels, working together assisting in various movements and activities you perform on a day to day basis.
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Ways to prevent pulled hamstrings

Ways to prevent pulled hamstrings

Pulled hamstrings are common among athletes but are painful and require treatments to ease the pain and cure the pulled tendons. This condition occurs when the tendon of thigh muscles get stretched beyond their stretching capacity. While it can happen when you are running, or playing football, or skating, there are things you can do to avoid getting a hamstring injury.
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Ways to bring about effective osteoarthritis pain relief

Ways to bring about effective osteoarthritis pain relief

Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition that affects the joints, most commonly in the knees, hips, lower back, and neck. Generally, a cushioning substance called cartilage coats the end of every bone. This covering enables the bones to glide for joint motion swiftly. However, in the case of osteoarthritis, the cartilage breaks down leading to the bones rubbing against the surface of each other.
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Ways to reverse gums recession

Ways to reverse gums recession

When the tissues that surround or hold the teeth pull back and start fading away, the process is called gum recession also known as gingival recession. When there is gum recession, teeth are more visible as they lose their gum covering. It is a dangerous condition for the health of your teeth and jaws.
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Who are at risk of getting receding gums

Who are at risk of getting receding gums

Gums, as we know and believe, are important of the oral health but that’s the half-truth. Gums are not just responsible for your oral health, they are responsible for your overall good health. When the food particles are not removed from the teeth after a meal, they can turn into plaque and that can cause harmful toxins that irritate and inflate gums.
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What to engrave on your medical bracelet

What to engrave on your medical bracelet

If you have a serious medical condition, you would know how important it is to be alert and cautious about what you eat and what you indulge in. But have you ever thought what would happen if you become unconscious and your friends who know about your condition aren’t around you?
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