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What Are The Symptoms Of An Enlarged Heart

What Are The Symptoms Of An Enlarged Heart

What are the symptoms of an enlarged heart An enlarged heart may be a manifestation of several serious causes in the body. Although, a lot of medical studies and other statistical data shows that it generally boils down to be a result of high levels of blood pressure or coronary heart disease.
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Early Symptoms Of Diabetes

Early Symptoms Of Diabetes

Early symptoms of diabetes Diabetes is a metabolic disorder. Diabetes is a disease which can either be hereditary or due to an unhealthy diet of an individual. It is a condition in which the level of blood sugar or blood glucose is higher than the required amount. Whenever we eat food, usually that contains carbohydrates, it breaks down into glucose which gets aligned with blood so that it can be utilized by our body.
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Tips For Effective Diabetes Leg Pain Treatment

Tips For Effective Diabetes Leg Pain Treatment

Tips for effective diabetes leg pain treatment Diabetes is a disease which is not fatal but is not easy to live with either. It is one of the many long-term diseases and is a group of diseases which are born due to the inability of the human body to produce an adequate amount of insulin.
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Early Detection Of Colon Cancer

Early Detection Of Colon Cancer

Early detection of colon cancer All cancers, without an exception, start insidiously. The main reason for such starts is that the tissue involved is the body’s own. It is the function of one’s immune system to detect enemies of the body like foreign bodies like bacteria and viruses. It is not designed to identify bodies’ own cells as foreign or dangerous to the body.
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How To Diagnose Colon Cancer

How To Diagnose Colon Cancer

How to diagnose colon cancer A recent statistic shows that each year 12.7 million people discover they have cancer and it is claimed by about 7.6 million people. Out of this, one-third can be cured through early diagnosis and treatment. Colon cancer is the development of cancer in the colon, which is located at the base of the Digestive Tract.
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How Do You Know If You Are Suffering From Ankylosing Spondylitis

How Do You Know If You Are Suffering From Ankylosing Spondylitis

How do you know if you are suffering from ankylosing spondylitis Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a kind of arthritis whose name is derived from three Greek words- ankylose that means stiff, spondylosis meaning vertebra, and itis which means inflammation. This jointly explains the characteristic of the condition of the joints which causes inflammation of the joints associated with the spine over a long term.
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