Effective Methods for Treating Back Pain
Back pain affects more than 75% of the human population at some stage of their lives. It is a fairly common condition, and the person recovers after a few days of rest. It is not a disorder, but a symptom of underlying medical conditions. In the event of ligaments, muscles, bones, or nerves becoming damaged, you could experience back pain. Kidney-linked conditions are also known to be a prominent cause of back pain.
The causes for the onset of back pain include disk injuries, strain due to excessive activity, microbial infectivity, or tumors in the back area. Some risk factors that could increase the possibility of suffering from back pain include obesity, old age, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, or indulging in high-impact exercises without undergoing a warm-up session.

If your back pain does not seem to ease within three months, it is considered as chronic. In such cases, the medical experts will recommend additional tests for diagnosing the extent of back damage and prescribe the back pain treatment plan accordingly.
Discussed below are certain basic methods that can be practiced on your own for some respite. Alternatively, it is advised to consult your doctor if you perceive that these remedies are not giving the desired results. Some methods of back pain treatment are listed below:
Active lifestyle
One of the most common back pain treatment options, it is suggested that you remain active.
Exerting the back
Back stretches are an effective back pain treatment option for alleviating the pain. You can consult your doctor for those exercises that can be performed at home for a reprieve. Discussing your condition with a physiotherapist for help on stretching the back muscles is also advisable if you are unsure about the back exercises. Moreover, you must continue low-impact exercises such as swimming, walking, yoga, jogging, and gardening for stretching your body and remaining healthy.
Some back pain treatment methods are also inclusive of taking medications such as Ibuprofen and naproxen. These are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). They can be procured from pharmacies without a prescription. However, it is important to bear in mind that NSAIDs are not suitable for some groups of people and it is necessary to be precautious with their usage. Speak to the pharmacist or medical practitioners beforehand. You can also take alternative drugs such as codeine for treating back pain. This drug is safe to take for a few days, but do not consume it for prolonged durations, as you could become addicted to it. Some people also take Paracetamol along with potent painkilling drugs, such as codeine, because it may not be as effective when taken on its own. There are also muscle relaxants that are recommended for people suffering from muscle spasms.
Hot and cold compresses
Applying hot or cold packs is considered a home remedy for back pain treatment. Hot packs are effectual because they boost the flow of blood toward the painful region and have a soothing effect on the body. Cold packs are recommended because they have the ability to numb the pain. You must take care that the ice does not directly touch your skin because it causes skin irritation. Alternating between hot and cold compresses is also one of the effective back pain treatment remedies.
For preparing a hot pack, you can use a washcloth dipped in warm water, after which it can be applied to the affected portion. Cold packs are readied by wrapping ice cubes in a cloth and then applying it on the back. As an alternative, you can purchase the hot and cold packs from pharmacy shops.
Reducing stress
It is recommended to take stress-relieving measures for easing the tension and gaining respite from painful symptoms. Some mind-and-body techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and aromatherapy can effectively contribute to healing back pain.
Specialized treatments
Within the category of specialized methods for back pain treatment are included exercise programs, manual therapy, psychotherapy including cognitive behavioral therapy, and surgical techniques. Your medical practitioner will diagnose your condition and advise you on the treatment that you should follow for back pain.
During the initial period, you must practice the natural treatments for curing back pain. These remedies are cost-effective, free of side effects, and highly effectual. If you do not notice a difference, then you can progress towards painkillers and other medications. Even after trying all these treatments, if the pain does not seem to subside, go for a diagnosis without delay and take the advice of your general practitioner on the future treatment plan.