How does coconut oil help in weight loss
In today’s world, there are many people who struggle with their weight and try hard to reach their desired weight loss goals. Losing weight does not always require you to break a sweat at the gym for hours or follow a very strict diet. Sometimes it’s as simple as including ingredients with weight loss properties in your diet. Many use coconut oil for weight loss and get desired results.
Coconut oil is one such ingredient that will help you lose the excess fat around your body. Coconut oil is made up of a medium chain saturated fatty acids (MCT), which is effective in boosting metabolism and producing extra energy to burn the stubborn fats.

Method 1:
Add hot water or herbal tea to a tablespoon or two of coconut oil. Stir well and drink. This method works only when consumed on a regular basis.
Method 2:
Take a lemon wedge and some lemon juice in a glass.
You can also follow the below recipes that incorporate coconut oil for the purpose of weight loss.
Coconut smoothie
Take 14 ounces of fresh or canned coconut milk and add ½ tablespoon of coconut oil along with 7 ounces of water. Pour all ingredients in to a blender and add either two handfuls of cherries or a cup of blueberries. Blend it thoroughly till the ingredients have been mixed and add any natural sweetener to taste.
Coconut oil with coconut water and pineapple
Take one cup of coconut water and add a tablespoon or two of raw virgin coconut oil, a tablespoon of organic spirulina powder, ½ cup of frozen pineapple, ½ a cup of frozen banana, a handful of spinach and 5 ice cubes. Pour all the ingredients into a blender. Blend and add natural sweetener to your taste. Stir it well and drink regularly to see a change.