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Things to know about early HIV symptoms

Things to know about early HIV symptoms

Before we get into knowing the early signs of HIV, let us shed some light on what is a HIV virus? It’s a virus that affects the CD4 lymphocytes of the body. CD4 cells are the ones that build up body’s immune system. Once contracted, HIV virus attacks these CD4 cells, and once the immune system is completely down, the body is vulnerable to all kinds of infections.
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Identifying skin rashes and its treatments options

Identifying skin rashes and its treatments options

What is a rash? Any visible outbreak on the skin is known as a rash. Rash is a skin issue in people of all ages, and gender. From infants to senior citizens, rashes are observed in nearly everyone. Medical science has found out rashes of various types and their respective diagnosis and treatments.
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Recent developments in treating HIV

Recent developments in treating HIV

Doctors can now prevent HIV from taking hold in your body if the person acts quickly. People who may have been infected can take anti-HIV drugs to protect themselves. This is called PEP. But you must start the process within 72 hours of when you were exposed, the medicines can have unpleasant side effects.
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Stages of HIV infection

Stages of HIV infection

HIV or Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus is a life-threatening virus that attacks the CD-4 lymphocytes of the human body and brings down its immune system to a level that it is vulnerable to all kinds of diseases. If not treated timely, the infected person dies due to the direct effect of all other diseases rather than HIV alone.
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Pneumonia symptoms – Things one should know about

Pneumonia symptoms – Things one should know about

Pneumonia is a bacterial infection that is spread by the bacteria known by the same name. This condition is caused due to exposure to cold temperatures when the person is suffering from even slight flu and cold. This condition can also get worse and more complicated if the patient is already suffering from additional diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
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Nutrition – Foods and their functions

Nutrition – Foods and their functions

Foods are classified based on their different aspects like the quantity needed, the functions they serve etc. Based on the quantit y and the large functions they are categorized into macro or energy foods and micro foods. The energy foods are further divided into carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carbohydrates form the bulk of food and contributor of energy.
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