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The basics of nutrition

The basics of nutrition

There is considerable overlap between two allied subjects, nutrition and dietetics , which is quite natural. To put it succinctly , nutrit ion is the theoretical science or looking into food for the vari ous nutrients and their action and benefits to the body and their reactions and adverse effects or harm to human beings.
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Essential vitamins that help an arthritic

Essential vitamins that help an arthritic

Arthritis is a condition of the joint, which often can be life changing for many individuals. Most people associate the condition with pain and agony. In many cases, your movements can be severely curtailed, and you have to make a restriction on lots of day to day activities. Arthritic people do consider taking vitamins and supplements as an alternate to medicine.
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Best ways to get vitamin D

Best ways to get vitamin D

Vitamin D is produced from the cholesterol in the skin when it is exposed to the Sun. The ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from the Sun provide the energy needed for the reaction to take place in the skin. This, as a result, produces Vitamin D. You can probably get all the vitamin D you need just by going outside and sunbathing a few times per week if you live in areas where there is abundant sunlight.
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“Brain-food” supplements you must consider

“Brain-food” supplements you must consider

Brain disorders and conditions can be something that is either present since birth or develop as we age and grow old. Genetics, life-style and sometimes unforeseen problems, can lead to brain-related conditions. There are a number of factors that contribute to Dementia or Alzheimer’s, the environmental factor being one of them.
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Pulmonary embolism- Recovering from the treatment

Pulmonary embolism- Recovering from the treatment

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is treated with medicines, surgical procedures, and other therapies. The main goal of treating PE is to stop a blood clot from getting bigger and keep new clots from forming. Treating pulmonary embolism involves using medicines to thin the blood and slow its ability to clot. If the symptoms are life threatening, the doctor may prescribe medicines to quickly dissolve the clot.
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Protect your lungs from pulmonary embolism

Protect your lungs from pulmonary embolism

Pulmonary embolism is condition which causes blockage in one of the pulmonary arteries of your lungs. It is caused by blood clots that travel to the lungs from legs or on rare occasions, from other parts of the body. It is a direct effect of DVT, or Deep Vein Thrombosis.
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