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Body Mass Index for women – What you need to know

Body Mass Index for women – What you need to know

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)? The Body Mass Index (BMI) which is also known as the Quetelet Index is a value that is derived from the weight (mass) and the height of a person. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is body mass divided by the square of body height.
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How to get dental treatments for affordable prices?

How to get dental treatments for affordable prices?

There are many different types of dental treatment. You must have come across some of the most common types that include bonding, braces, bridges and implants, crowns and caps, extractions, dentures, fillings and repairs, root canals, teeth whitening, veneers, and sealants. Surprisingly a small portion of your body can have many problems and unfortunately, all these treatments have cost a great deal of money.
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Easy ways to control hiccups

Easy ways to control hiccups

Hiccups can be quite annoying, and persistent hiccups can be quite painful to bear. The short spasm which is a result of the vocal chords closing up while the diaphragm contracts results in hiccups. Depending on the severity of the condition, hiccups can last from a few minutes to a few hours.
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5 common causes of sores on the side of the tongue

5 common causes of sores on the side of the tongue

Although small, the tongue plays a substantial role in the normal functioning of your everyday life. Not just enjoying your meals, a healthy tongue is necessary in order for one to have a clear speech. The tongue’s color and texture can denote a lot about the health of the overall body.
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3 home remedies to treat sores on the side of the tongue

3 home remedies to treat sores on the side of the tongue

A sore tongue may not sound like a very big deal but the condition brings with it great discomfort and a lot of pain. Not just while eating meals, blisters and a thrust on the tongue can be distressing even while speaking. The tongue is very sensitive and certain abnormalities and infections can appear in the form of blisters and small raised areas on the tongue.
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Here’s why maintaining normal creatinine levels is imperative

Here’s why maintaining normal creatinine levels is imperative

There are various parameters set by our body which is to be met, and this serves as an indication of whether all our organs are in their optimum form. Our blood pressure, our blood sugar levels, creatinine levels, etc. are supposed to be within the accepted range which is an indicator that we are healthy.
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