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Most effective exercises for pulled hamstrings

Most effective exercises for pulled hamstrings

When the largest muscle’s (thigh muscle) tendons tear, the injury that occurs is called hamstring injury. There are different grades of this injury, grade 1, 2 and 3. With higher grade, the injury’s severity increases. Grade 1 is when there is a mild muscle pull or strain, grade 2 is when there is a partial muscle tear and 3 when there is a complete muscle.
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Causes of rib pain

Causes of rib pain

The rib cage helps protect your heart and lungs which are amongst the most vital organs in your body. It is made up of 24 individual bone structures, 12 on each side forming a cage attached to a long flat bone called the sternum. Cartilages connect the individual ribs to the sternum forming a tough barrier in the chest.
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5 grave blood disorders that can prove fatal if left unchecked

5 grave blood disorders that can prove fatal if left unchecked

The human body is no stranger to malicious agents attacking it, and desperately trying to enter it to cause a ruckus that will have us confined to the bed for a long time. Every part, every organ and every element in the body is vulnerable to disorders, be it the kidneys, lungs, heart, and even blood.
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Common signs and symptoms that indicate blood disorders

Common signs and symptoms that indicate blood disorders

Of all the diseases that plague the world, blood disorders are one of those which need to be detected and treated right away. Blood performs the primary function of carrying nutrients to the different parts of the body, and blood disorders tend to cripple this function. Blood disorders affect the three main components of the blood, namely, the Red Blood Cells (RBCs), the White Blood Cells (WBCs) and the platelets.
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How to effectively treat hematomas at home

How to effectively treat hematomas at home

A hematoma is a bruise that usually a result of blood collection underneath the skin. It is typically caused due to a blunt trauma that leads to blood vessel damage, but certain medications, infections, strokes, etc. can cause hematoma too. Some hematomas involving grievous injuries require immediate medical intervention. On the other hand, milder forms of this condition can be treated with OTC medications and simple home remedies.
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Home remedies for treating rib pain

Home remedies for treating rib pain

There are a number of causes when it comes to rib pain, which affect the individual bones or the cartilage that joins the bones to the sternum. There are treatments to provide relief from severe discomforts like bruising or fractures. However for mild discomforts and rib pain, these home remedies will work well.
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